How This Content Creator Regrew His Hair & Found Confidence In Front Of The Camera

Derrick started losing his hair during the pandemic and tried multiple hair loss treatments that failed. Here's what he did to finally stop and reverse his hair loss.

“My hair is definitely grown back so much more than what Minoxidil and Finasteride could do for me in the past!”

Derrick's story begins at the age of 20 when he first started to notice something he had hoped to avoid - hair loss.

It wasn't just him.

His family, especially his father and older brother, had faced similar challenges, losing their hair in their early twenties.

As time passed, Derrick couldn't ignore the gradual disappearance of his own hair, especially at the top of his head.

"I started noticing I was losing hair actually around the age of 20. My family, my dad, and my brother especially, who is like three years older than me, they all started balding when they were around 20 years old," Derrick shared.

The realization hit him hard, but it wasn't until the pandemic began that the severity of his hair loss became apparent.

In photos and videos, Derrick saw his receding hairline and it really started taking a toll on his self-esteem.

Trying To Escape Hair Loss Insecurities

Derrick found himself as a young man in his twenties, wanting to live life to the fullest, but held back by the burden of hair loss.

It wasn't just about appearances; it was about feeling insecure and losing confidence in himself.

Derrick enjoyed creating vlogs, capturing life's moments, but as his hair loss became more prominent, he hesitated to share his videos, fearing embarrassment.

His hair loss became a barrier to the content he wanted to create, and it made him feel like he was losing his youth prematurely.

Derrick longed for a fuller head of hair, not just to look better but to feel confident and embrace his youth once more.

"I wanted to stay young, you know, I wanted to stay looking young as much as possible for as long as possible. And if there's anything I could do about it, I wanna do it," Derrick admitted.

Making The Switch From Traditional Products

Derrick's journey took a hopeful turn when he discovered Adegen a little over a year ago.

He decided to give it a try, hoping for a solution that would make a real difference.

With Adegen, Derrick's hair began to flourish. It wasn't just about stopping hair loss; it was about regaining what was lost.

His hair became fuller, thicker, and healthier than ever before.

The progress he saw with Adegen was beyond what other products like ordinary minoxidil and finasteride had delivered.

"My hair is so thick and fuller. My hair has definitely grown back so much more than what Minoxidil and Finasteride could do for me in the past. I'm so grateful."

What Really Causes Hair Loss?

When it comes to hair loss, most "experts" are quick to point out that a hormone called DHT can cause your hair to begin thinning.

However, this is only partly true.

A key thing to understand is that hair loss is actually a disease.

Just like cardiovascular disease, which is where blood flow is restricted from reaching the heart and the heart stops functioning because it isn't getting the oxygen it needs to survive, the same thing is true with hair loss.

DHT and other androgens attach to the hair follicle and this restricts the blood flow.

So yes, DHT does play a part.

But the actual problem — the REAL reason that the hair follicle stops producing hair — is because the lack of blood flow to the hair follicle.

That why our team developed a unique protocol that anyone can follow to regrow their hair by restoring blood flow back to the hair follicle.

The Key To Regrowing Hair

After meeting with one of the world's top dermatologists, our founder, John Goss, discovered a unique fatty acid that attaches to the androgen receptor of the hair follicle.

This is the same place that DHT attaches to the follicle.

We call this fatty acid "ARB," which stands for androgen receptor blocker.

What ARB does is stick to the hair follicle and blocks DHT from attaching to it without decreasing the amount of DHT in the body like other products do.

This helps restore blood flow back to the hair follicle, allowing hair to replenish and regrow... all without causing any undesirable side effects like finasteride or other “DHT blockers” do.

However, since the outer layer of skin on the scalp acts as a protective barrier it can be hard to deliver ARB to the hair follicle.

That's why we developed a simple hair regrowth routine that:

Cleanses the scalp from dead skin, dandruff, and pore-clogging sebum

Effectively increases blood flow directly back to the hair follicle

Helps inhibit DHT from attaching to the androgen receptor of the hair follicle with our proprietary ARB formula

Doesn't try to solve the problem by focusing on the symptom

Doesn't cause undesirable, unwanted side effects

Doesn't use harmful ingredients (proprietary all-natural ARB formula)

This simple daily routine has been used by both men and women who suffer from conditions like balding, thinning, Chronic Telogen Effluvium (CTE), Androgenetic Alopecia, and many other forms of hair loss.

How Does The Adegen Protocol Work?

After over a decade of testing, iterating, and optimizing, we've created a simple 3-step protocol that anyone can use to start regrowing their hair in as little as 90 days.

This routine is safe, all-natural, and can be used in the comfort of your own home.

Here's how the routine works:

Step 1: Exfoliate Your Scalp

Most people think that when they start experiencing thinning hair they need to be extra gentle to not make it worse. However, the exact opposite is actually true.

Our process starts by deeply cleaning the scalp and removing all dead skin, dandruff, and pore-clogging sebum using a combination of our regrowth-friendly ARB Shampoo and Scalp Massage Brushes.

“I couldn’t be any happier honestly. I went thru one bottle of shampoo and my hair is so much darker, healthier, thicker and have seen some new growth as well. Thank you Adegen for an amazing discovery and product and I am forever grateful for you!”

Step 2: Micro-Abrasion

The epidermis by design naturally keeps any topical solution from penetrating to the hair follicles. Our 10X Roller solves this problem.

By rolling the 10X Roller gently over your thinning and hair loss area prior to applying our ARB Topical, you create micro-channels in the scalp that dramatically increase the effectiveness of the topical formula.

“I can tell you right now that the Adegen roller is way better. I've tried a cheap version in the past and as soon as I picked up the Adegen 10X Roller - you could feel the quality in the build.”

Step 3: Topical Application

What makes Adegen ARB Topical Solution so different and powerful is that it solves the actual underlying cause of hair loss.

Adegen ARB is a completely safe and natural fatty acid complex that inhibits DHT from attaching to the androgen receptor of the hair follicle.

This revolutionary technology safely and completely protects the hair follicle from the negative effects of DHT where it is happening – the hair follicle – without compromising hormone levels throughout the rest of the body.

“I’ve tried everything over the last 4 years and nothing helped except for Adegen. Thank you for this magical product!”

By following this simple daily routine for at least 90 days, countless men and women have reported that their hair loss has stopped and started to regrow.

Not only that, but these users have reported feeling an improved sense of self confidence that was previously drained because of their hair loss.

And just like Sarah, they're leaving outstanding reviews about our regrowth kits.

Take a look at some of their results:

Trusted By 10,000+ Happy Customers

With All Different Types Of Hair Loss

  • 5.0/5

    “Thanks to John and Adegen I did make it to my wedding day with a full head of hair and because of this product I have so much confidence now with something that used to cause me so, so much grief and embarrassment. These results are very real and very possible for all of you!”

    Bryan M.

    Verified Buyer

  • 5.0/5

    “I really don’t have words to express the gratitude I have for John Goss and the entire Adegen family. Guys, this stuff REALLY works. Being skeptical is a good thing. This was the missing piece. I am forever grateful for John, his expertise, and extensive hair loss research.”

    Angela E.

    Verified Buyer

  • 5.0/5

    “Thank you Adegen & team, you changed my life. 8 months today on the protocol. I had to go to the barber for my first clean cut of the summer today. First picture is around 2 weeks on the protocol. The other pictures is from today! That smile of satisfaction says it all!”

    Mathieu R.

    Verified Buyer

  • 5.0/5

    “I spent thousands of dollars I didn’t have, seeing specialists with zero results. I can’t begin to express how utterly helpless and depressed I was. The pictures speak for themselves. Thank you for not only restoring my hair, but also a little more faith in humanity.”

    Eliana B.

    Verified Buyer

  • 5.0/5

    “I can’t tell y’all how close I was to shaving my head before I started using Adegen. I’m so stoked to say that thought won’t be crossing my mind again! The proof is in the pudding, y’all. If you’re skeptical, good. Trusting in a hair product that claims to regrow your hair can be really tough.”

    Cole L.

    Verified Buyer

  • 5.0/5

    “I’ve been losing a lot of my hair for the past 10 years and have spent a lot of money trying to grow my hair with ZERO results. I’ve had so much shame around my hair loss for the past 10 years. When I think back on it, it was so exhausting. I’m so grateful for Adegen!”

    Sarah M.

    Verified Buyer

  • 5.0/5

    “Just wanted to post my progress pictures here because I know when I first considered biting the bullet and ordering adegen I was HIGHLY skeptical and it was mainly photos like these that convinced me to finally try it out. Thank you so much the Adegen team!”

    Connor C.

    Verified Buyer

  • 5.0/5

    “Anyone else feeling their confidence soar by having better and better hair days? I haven’t been able to wear my hair down for ten years and I can now! People are noticing too. I’m getting a lot of, “You look great!” I’m five months into the protocol. Thank you, thank you Adegen!”

    Darcie Z.

    Verified Buyer

  • 5.0/5

    “I couldn't be more thankful for John and his team in making the vision of reversing hair loss an actual reality. You guys are literally changing people's lives for the better. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! I'm very happy with what I'm seeing so far.”

    Chris L.

    Verified Buyer

Try Adegen For Yourself And See The Difference

Even though most users report seeing a difference in their hair within the first few weeks of switching over to Adegen, it’s best to use our regrowth kits for at least 3-6 months to help promote lasting, long-term results.

Which is why our team offers the choice of purchasing one month’s supply or buying in bulk for additional savings.

Unfortunately, we've had a hard time keeping our regrowth kits in stock because of the growing demand for them.

In fact, we've sold out multiple times because after seeing such noticeable results, customers keep coming back for more.

So if you're seeing this page and want to get started regrowing thicker, fuller hair in the next 90 days, then click below to check the availability of our best-selling regrowth kit.